Letting go is an act of love.
For me, to let go means to learn, through awareness, to stop clinging to
pain or joy. It means no longer striving to understand one or the other. It
means to release the need to be understood or the desperate desire for a
relationship to differ from that which it is.
To let go does not mean we no longer have the longing to give, to listen, or
to help. It does not mean we no longer want a voice, a seat at the table,
understanding, closeness, or closure. These things still matter to us, but when we let go, they become uncluttered. In letting go, we have made room for clarity. And with clarity, we leave worry and fear behind. With our unburdened hearts and minds, we find contentment in awareness—and the present.
By letting go, we become free to know ourselves, and in this way, use energy
wisely, with compassion, generosity, and a growing self-awareness. In doing this, we choose to live life in truth.
In letting go, pain becomes less overwhelming and more of an inspiring life lesson. Joy flows. We lift ourselves by letting go of what is not ours to change. Life opens. We expand our perspectives and our life experiences. And what once burdened us to worry, tears, and despair becomes like clouds in the sky… noticeable but passing.
Letting go means we choose to live freely, and in doing so, allow for more of life’s lightness to enter our lives.
In letting go, envy, hate, confusion, anger, and resentment eventually stop consuming us and give way to a brighter horizon, where hope for something better in ourselves, in our relationships, and the world… thrives.
Letting go… is an act of love.
…and look for a bit about joy here.