Hello friend. Let’s discover what life has to show us

Learn how to surpass surviving life’s challenges and thrive.

New beginnings are always exciting.

Hello friend! We finally meet. Welcome.

I hope you’ll join me on this journey. Like life, who knows where it will take us? No one can know for sure. And for some of us, that uncertainty is the stuff of life that keeps us awake at night. Ah well… let’s go forward together. One topic at a time. Surrendering to the unknown. Right here. Right now.

Let’s discover what life has to show us, and to teach us, to challenge us and to lift us up. My blog will of course cover topics about writing and reading, because those two elements are what got me here in the first place. But the  blog will also address the various places and people and things that connect us as human beings.


There’s a story in every thing.

And while you’re here, check out REASONS.

New beginnings are always exciting.
There’s a story in every Thing.