Discover how to describe you without I, me, you, mine, ours.
This is a writing exercise I heard about while attending an online summit during the height of the pandemic. I put it in my back pocket. Until now.
Here’s my attempt at the exercise, and what I learned:
Here’s my attempt at the exercise, and what I learned:
Each morning, the day pulls. It brings a golden glow and awakens the senses. Even if the mind has been active all night long, daylight calls on the spirit to pull itself out from beneath the covers; to shake off the drowsiness of slumber, and to rise. And so, eyes open, legs bend, arms move, hands grasp bed sheets, and out from the warmth they go.
What is ahead? What comes after stretching limbs, brushing teeth, feeding cats, sitting quietly in meditation, eating oatmeal with berries and maple syrup?
A day of writing awaits. It starts with the opening of a laptop and the preparing of other electronic devices; the arranging of writing utensils; the placement of a cup of tea.
Before the writing begins, is the watching and listening and absorption of… the news.
The news. Sigh.
The news. Defeating.
The news…
Witness. Pause. Regroup.
What were the day’s plans?
sort of.
Ah, yes. Write.
Just write.
But first… wait. Is it okay to carry on writing a novel while the world sits on the brink of a third world war? And while so many are suffering?
I think so… yes.
The world watches. The world pays attention. The world must pay attention. And, at the same time, the world must keep going. It must keep creating, writing, dancing, and singing.
But it must also continue to bear witness. And, it must do more. It must help where and when it can. Not just talk. Help! Be present and help. Reach out. Give. Open doors. Connect and reconnect.
Remember, when one suffers, all suffer.
Could have been born anywhere. There. Could-have-been-born-there! And… would fight, too.
Oh, Canada. The True North, strong and free…
Come back.
What did I learn from this exercise?
The first thing I learned is that it’s an ongoing learning experience, like life.
For me, to discover how to describe myself without I, me, you, mine, ours, freed me from… well… superficial me. And instead, put an honest essence into the phrases created.
The writer is no longer separate from the creation.
There occurs a sort of re-connection with that which is embodied and always has been…. but is usually overwhelmed by a cerebral experience… when one becomes lost in thought.
Writing without pronouns is liberating.
A sort of rough poetry… a flowing of the senses from within the whole being emerges. And the writer leaves the ego behind.
What arises is the gleaming illumination of truth.
Try it. Discover how to describe you without I, me, you, mine, ours.
“Tend to the garden of the area you can reach.” Jack Kornfield